
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

13 Days

My days ahead are packed beyond belief and my list of things to do continues to grow, even as I accomplish things every day new things come up (return Internet modem to UPS for shipping; send thank you card to ___; add ___ to my list of 30; have discussion with gossips; etc). It is still important that I'm putting all of these down or I will forget some. 

Included on my list today are to write and mail myself letters of things I want to have in prison. On the outside of the envelope(s) I have to write, "SAVE FOR REPORT DATE 8/19/2013." Inside one or more envelopes will be my list of 30 (30 names and addresses and telephone numbers for my phone privileges); another list with all my family/friends' names, addresses, emails, and/or bdays. So I can fill out to visitation request form, write people, and so I can use the prison links email system. I will also bring a copy of these with me and have my friend hold a copy just in case. 

I will also mail myself a handful of photos. I will only send myself photos I have digitally, in case I never receive them. I don't want to send in too many, in case my friends send me some, as we do have restrictions, but there are some people I must have photos of, like my T.S. and another with a group of women I am close to.

I may have 13 days til self surrender, but I have only 4 days til my move (out of an apartment I love); 8 days til my last day of work (for now); and 11 days til I fly down to Texas.

At least I know I face none of this alone. I also say the serenity prayer a lot when things get difficult. You've probably heard it, but it goes:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

The serenity prayer could not be more applicable to those of us facing incarceration. We must have acceptance, as we cannot change that fact. We must have courage to adequately prepare ourselves and change ourselves to ensure we NEVER have to go to prison again! We must have wisdom to not misplace our efforts on those things that we can't change and instead, work on ourselves. We cannot change people, places, or things. What we can change is us, how we think, react, our emotions, our education, our goals, etc. 

A wise person told me that time in prison can go two ways. It can perpetuate the person and choices that got you incarcerated or it can be an opportunity to spend some time with yourself changing, exploring, and growing.

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