
Saturday, September 14, 2013

From Dragonfly: I've Been Moved

Last night, the counselor in my unit held a "town hall." As part of this meeting (which none of us could fully hear due to his turning each direction and when we were in the other direction we couldn't hear much), our counselor informed us that anyone who is not paying their FRP (Financial Responsibility Program) for their court fees or restitution will be moved. The place they go is the Bus Stop, so that meant that those in the bus stop who are not trouble makers and are paying their FRP were to be moved. For some reason, South was left in the bus stop (but she pays her FRP and is most definitely NOT a trouble maker). I was happy to be moving away from the drama, but alas we can not select our new room and there are many rooms in prison with trouble-makers and drama! Some people did not luck out with their new rooms. I'm in a better situation, I think.

All the rooms, except the bus stop, have two bunks (four people) and are approximately 10' long and 7.5'. They were built for 2 people. There is no room for two people to be between the bunks at the same time bending down to get shoes or in their lockers, but it's okay. I have a window to the outside world!!!! It has thick bars, but I can see nature. I can also see barbed wire and fencing, but the natural light is wonderful. The room is also much darker at night, except for a large light outside our window that makes the room glow orange.

The move was rather difficult on my body, getting everything down to the first floor (no more 24 steps up and down) and getting everything set up in my locker (somehow in less than 1 month, I've filled my locker to capacity!).

Inmate recall. Must end this here.

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