
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

From Dragonfly: The Great Outdoors

I've had several people ask me about what happens on the outside of the prison buildings. We are based on a compound with a good amount of outdoor space. There is a ball field, soccer field, sand volleyball, horse shoes, half basketball court, walking track (concrete), many benches, and more. We have a building called "outdoor rec," where inmates can borrow sports equipment in exchange for their i.d. There are softball teams that are playing each other right now. I think that ends in a week or so. I guess they do summer volleyball (if there is enough interest). There are tournaments, walks for cancer, outdoor karaoke days, and more. However, these events are very rare. I've seen one each since my arrival. Any time there is not a requirement to be in our housing units, inmates are outside doing something. There are many benches set up by the housing units, where inmates just sit and talk and/or wait for "open move" so they can go in to their unit. There's a covered area of benches and tables, in case it is raining as well.

It sounds nice, right? Well, each area of the outdoors is controlled by a group (for the most part). You don't want to wander, accidentally, into space that is not yours. Inmates believe they are "entitled" to own a table or a bench. It can get really old fast, if you don't intend to fight. So, unless I am sitting on a bench or the edge of the grass waiting for open move, I don't spend a lot of time outdoors.

I do walk between the buildings and enjoy the fresh air throughout the day. I, also, will meet up with Freckles at times by outdoor rec (now that she has moved out of the housing unit). We will sit on a bench by the walking track and talk or last weekend, I brought a crossword book and we did a crossword together. WE are nerds and proud of it! Ha.

Also, the weather was way to hot and sunny my first months here for me to be outside. A lot of sun is bad with the medication I am on. Also, the humidity was crazy with 90+ degree weather every day. Now, I'll sit on a bench outside between lunch and work (about 20 minutes) and enjoy a 60-something or 70-something degree day. Much more my style. Even my hair is less wavy now that the humidity has lessened.

There is always trouble brewing outside... people getting caught having sex, fights and more fights, dealing pills, smoking (not allowed), etc. I really do not want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!! This is why I spend most of my down time in my unit. I can easily go to my room if something is brewing (3 fights in our unit just yesterday), and I can work on crafts, talk with people, make a meal, or watch TV at the atrium tables. It feels safer and I am not 100% on guard. That is more my style.

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