
Friday, February 21, 2014

From Dragonfly: Setting a Goal

A friend of mine, here, told me to stop setting my goal on getting to the camp. She said I should set my goal on getting home. I've been trying to work both angles for the last several months, but it really is looking like getting across the street is a losing battle. And, I am within months of going home - or through halfway house and then home. So, I made the decision to set my goals on a date - April 14, 2014 - that date would allow me, possibly, to enjoy a Passover Seder with my family.

It's not going to be an easy goal to reach. All the pieces are outside of my control. The only thing I can do is to stay on the staff to try and get my paperwork completed. Yesterday, I finally talked with the woman responsible for doing my "exit summary" paperwork. She informed me that because I am a level 3, my doctor is required to approve my halfway house/ home confinement. She'd sent my doctor a list of names a bit ago and she hasn't heard back. So, I submitted a cop-out to my doctor. Since I am not scheduled to see my doctor (whom I've never met) until late May, I'm praying that she will use my medical records and see that I am eligible for halfway house. Not sure how long it will take, but it's a necessary step in this process.

I hate that there are so many cogs in the wheel and it's dependant on so many people doing something. Talk about bureaucracy - nothing happens quickly. Things get lost. Things are forgotten. This is people's lives, and, yet, we just have to sit and wait. But I can wait... April 14th, that's my goal. I will do whatever I need to do to meet the goal, knowing full well, there's not much I can do. But, putting that date out in the Universe, may help make it come true. You never know... anything is possible. Never give up hope!

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