
Saturday, March 22, 2014

From Dragonfly: _____ Days and a Wake Up

So, how many days left in prison do I have? After spending hours in the clinic, nearly stalking the woman who hadn't uploaded my exit summary yet, I caught her in the hall, plead my case, and she said somewhat regretfully, "I'll get it done by the end of the day." Later, I headed to my case manager's office and she checked, no exit summary at 2pm. I said I'd check again at 3. Amazingly, she said, "okay," even though she doesn't offer open house hours today. She would be leaving by 4pm.

I woke at 3:35pm. Damn! I don't even remember falling asleep, wasn't I working on a People Magazine crossword? My entire room was asleep - late day nap, I suppose. I jumped into my shoes, didn't even put on my button down uniform shirt over my t-shirt, took the steps down (okay, I'm a Datsun in a Porshe world when it comes to getting down stairs... one leg, one leg, next step, one leg, next leg, next step... takes forever). I walk the hall to my case manager's office. She is still there. She prompts me to come in, and she says, "it just got uploaded." After months, starting in December, asking for this document, it is there, in my file, saying that I am approved and medically appropriate for home confinement. My knees hurt from jumping through so many hoops, but there it is.

My case manager is wrapping everything up for the day to go home. She tells me that Monday morning, she will do the papers (takes about 6 minutes of her time) and have me sign the forms (2 signatures are needed from me). Then it will be mailed off to my region. I believe I am going home in... 65 days and a wake-up...


  1. It seems like all the waiting finally paid off. And despite the fact that you overslept, everything seemed to be just on time. That being said, how are things doing for you nowadays? I hope things are a lot better. Thanks for sharing your story with us. All the best!

    Eliseo Weinstein @ Jr's Bail Bond

    1. I hope you've read much more of the blog and caught up with life nowadays. I'm so much better... everybody's life gets so much better, as long as they do the right next thing!


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