
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

From Dragonfly: If I Were Free

If I were free
I'd wear stripes with polka dots
walking down the street
not caring what anyone thought

If I were free
I'd choose a different pair of shoes
to wear every single day of the week
Only repeating them if they are comfortable

If I were free
I'd take my dog on a longer walk
than I'd ever done before
even letting her pull the leash

If I were free
I'd spend the entire day in bed
never having to stand count
or having a flashlight sweep my eyes

If I were free
I'd use double-ply - no - triple-ply toilet paper
with aloe added for extra softness
squeezing to make it fit the holder

If I were free
I'd eat a banana every day
and enjoy all my fresh vegetables
dipping them in anything I choose

If I were free
I'd learn to make a new recipe every week
trying to make it look as pretty as the pictures
and giving some to those less fortunate

If I were free
I'd value every dollar in my pocket
knowing that having it means I'm rich
to someone else in this world

If I were free
I'd turn off my electronics
for at least one hour everyday
and value the quiet in my mind

If I were free
I'd tell everyone I love them
every time we part
knowing what true friendship is

If I were free
I'd remember who still not
working hard to help make changes
so that more can experience freedom

If I were free
I'd know what a real vacation means
not just taking pictures of the sights
but taking in their beauty for memories in my mind

If I were free
I'd learn something new everyday
gaining knowledge and skills
knowing that I'll never be done

If I were free
I'd ride my scooter on an open road
feeling the wind and the fresh air
soaring toward nothing and everything

If I were free
If, only, I were free

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