
Sunday, March 30, 2014

From Dragonfly: When the Tides Shift

I've written in past about how there were "haters" against me. It seems to actually shift around. Presently, I'm not being openly hated, but Freckles is. That's how things are here. They need to have someone to gossip about, make up stories about, and put on edge. Freckles certainly has done nothing to become the target. Someone must have disliked something she did or said, and decided to start a rumor. A rumor here goes through so many renditions, that by the time it gets back to you, it's been added to and changed over 100x. Freckles says that she doesn't care, but I know what it is like to be on the gossip list, and it sucks!!!

The good news, though, is that Freckles will not have to deal with this very long. Her RDAP program is going well, and earned her an extra 9 months at halfway house. Instead of leaving in late 2015, she will be leaving in July of this year!!! That's wonderful for her and her husband. While she will have to spend much of the time in halfway house, it is a requirement of the RDAP program, she will be back in the Midwest and a short drive from her spouse. It's nice to see the system work, but I'm not going to say she isn't fighting the same as I did. This is still tentative, because her exit summary is not yet complete. She is now stalking all those people I was, and is trying to jump through all the same hoops. She will, though, because we have the blueprint for what needs to be done now. Plus, she should not be a care level 3. At most, she should qualify for a care level 2, in which case, she wouldn't even need the exit summary.

So the haters will hate and gossip and condemn. In the end, they will still be here, and we will be home. I hope they find a nicer and calmer way of life and concentrate on getting out of here, rather than other people's business. It would do them a lot of good to focus on the positive and not the negative. I, for one, am currently in the mode of listening to no gossip about anyone anymore. It is more likely to be wrong, than right, and it is a personality defect to even care. Not all people in prison are grounded and secure in themselves. They put others down to make themselves feel better. I will not partake in that kind of behavior.

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