
Monday, May 5, 2014

From Dragonfly: Don't Blink

(Yes Cache, the subject is meant for you!!). Also, the subject is quite appropriate for my day. Last night, we discovered that Chi was being sent to the camp across the street this morning. She was on the call-out for 9am to go to R&D, but they contacted her at 6am and told her to pack out immediately. She did, we hugged, and she left. We started this journey together, but she is now on her own... well, not on her own...

Lola was ALSO transferred across the street this morning. Neither she nor I knew she was going today. We sat on the benches this morning and made plans for tonight... Now, she is gone. I'm happy for her, but I am very sad that I couldn't say, "goodbye." She is such a great person and friend and I will miss her so much. Four other people walked across the street in green uniforms (rather than our Khaki) that I know of. Good people who will certainly enjoy the lake view and the additional freedoms afforded to camp status folks. No more barbed wire for them.

I feel like I blinked my eyes and suddenly my Carswell life has changed once again. My dear friend is no longer with me. Her husband has open heart surgery on Wednesday, and I will not be able to be there to support her. I was just talking to her this morning about Step 3 and "letting go..." I told her to practice not trying to "control" a situation this week and see how that feels. I had no idea that the situation wasn't going to be on Wednesdays and the unknowns about her dear husband. The situation happened immediately. She was at work, told to go pack out, and was gone. Had someone I know not seen her, I would be at indoor rec tonight waiting for her. Don't blink, because everything changes while our eyes are closed.

Don't blink is also appropriate for the incredible inmates who cooked all night last night (9pm-6am) to make a very special Cinco de Mayo lunch for everyone. The lunch was delicious, but these folks had to go right back to work this morning for their normal shifts. If they tried to get a couple hours of sleep eye in, the C.O.'s walked around telling them to get up, no sleeping during the day. They look like walking zombies in the Chow Hall.

I've stuck with my new fondness of Yoga so far. I have worked out 5 of the last 6 days. A wonderful woman (who happens to look just like the yoga instructor on Orange is the New Black) works with me and a few others in the mornings. I also do some low-impact/arthritis yoga videos. I enjoy it... a lot. The Warrior II pose and I are now "one." Ha!!! I'm glad I don't sleep through my mornings and am getting in some healthy activity. It feels good.

My last weeks/months here (depending on what happens with my paperwork) will be spent doing a lot of healthy things. My besties - South and Lola - are already gone. My remaining bestie - Freckles and I will walk out around the same time. Red and I are getting close, which is really cool. Taz is still here and she is really good to me - as I am to her. I never thought prison would be about the friendships we make. So, don't blink, and look at all the possibilities.

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