
Friday, August 29, 2014


I need to be honest. I almost didn't blog today. I just wasn't sure what to write about. There's the topic of home confinement and expenses that I'm working on from a reader that asked a question, but with the drama of school this week, I didn't finish preparing it yet (sorry!!). So, that one is coming very soon, albeit quite late.

It's like I feel incredibly busy, yet barely busy at the same time. Perhaps it's just my head that's full on information right now. My task list is incredibly long, yet I'm not trying to get every single thing done in an insane amount of time. Accomplishing what I can, making task lists for the future, trying to remain organized, and reminding myself that I want all this, helps.

So, there is really nothing to blog about and everything to blog about. I suppose life's normalcy is a good thing to report, just 3 months post- incarceration. Three months ago yesterday I walked out of Carswell. So many people get stuck, I'm one of the few who chooses to not forget, yet I've moved forward so quickly. Not sure what statistics I'd fit into. I'll probably be reading about all the people unlike myself in my classes. It will be cool to find some research around people who do thrive post incarceration. 

I hope I have many days where I'm at a loss on what to write. Sure, everyone gets writers block. For me, though, it's also a sign that life is good. I'll happily accept that.

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