
Monday, August 18, 2014

If I Could Choose

While I'm not technically on "welfare" because I do not have kids, I am on several forms of government assistance - Medicaid and Food Stamps. I have no idea the cost on the taxpayers to support me month to month for these two items, but I thank every one of you for helping me survive as I rebuild my life. 

Truth is, the taxpayers were paying my room, board, medical care, security, maintenance, education, clothing, and every other expense I had while I was in Carswell. So, I suppose I'm becoming less of a burden on the taxpayers. Unfortunately, there are a lot, I mean a lot, of people in my same shoes who are forced to live on the governments dime. So many people talk about how people take "advantage" of the system. All I see are people who will do anything to get off the system.

I for one am eating far better than I would on a grad student's stipend and getting just as good, if not better, healthcare for free than I was on my prior insurance. However, I cannot wait for the day that I can call the government assistance office and inform them that I will no longer need Medicaid or food stamps. I would rather struggle to make ends meet, but stay on my budget and do my best, than have to keep living off the government when I do not have to.

It is very unfortunate that so many ex-felons are unable to find work and are forced to rely on government assistance. I'm so grateful the safety net exists for us. For everyone. I've known a lot of people who have been on unemployment, Medicaid, food stamps, cash assistance, childcare subsidies, and many other government funded programs. Without these opportunities, so many families and individuals would struggle even more than what happens now. Whether a felon, a low income worker, a displaced worker, someone retired, a teenage parent, a single parent, a foster parent, whomever you are, these programs exist to help. I will never forget these months of assistance I received and like so many other things over the last several years, I will pay it all forward as I am able.

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