
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sit the Season Out

Did I somehow become an athlete? At my follow up with my doctor today, I was told, "well, you're pretty much going to have to sit the season of fall out." She's concerned because my inflammatory markers are continuing to rise. We now have two years of medical records and see the patterns. Fall is my not so good season.

I'm going to stay as active as possible, but the doc wants me to stay to 10 minute spurts of exercise. I'd signed up for a "couch to 5k" walking group for women, and she approved it, as long as I stay walking and don't push myself. If my Achilles goes tight, I'm to stop. As much as I know my docs are right, I didn't like the news.

There was some good news, though. As fall is my bad season, it appears that come early Speing, I should be able to fully jam again. My doc told me to just be ready to be active as soon as my body can handle it and my body will adjust quickly. We will keep testing my blood and as soon as my inflammatory markers are on the decrease again, Jillian Michaels and I will be best buddies again!! In the meantime, my increased fatigue and lack of time management can somewhat be explained by my body's decreased capacity right now.

I won't really be sitting the season out. I won't even be on the sidelines. I may be one of the slowest people on the field, but I'm going to be fully geared up and out and about doing my best. As long as I can get out of bed. As long as I can walk. As long as I can breath on my own. I will not sit life out. I did that for far too long with my addiction and then when I was put behind the fence. I choose to keep moving.

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