
Friday, August 9, 2013

Deep in the Heart of Texas

Today while interviewing the woman who will be hired to take my job starting August 15th, she mentioned that she's been to about 30 states. It immediately made me competitive (in my head only) as I wanted to say, "I've been to all 50." Which is true. Some long road trips during college breaks )with a good friend when I was not invited home) led me through most of the states. I was fortunate to fly to Hawaii and Alaska in my mid-20s, and rounded it out with my very last state at the age of 27 - Texas. Yes, with such a large country, the last state is huge and south central, but somehow I'd avoided it until I had a conference for a weekend in Austin. Now, 13 years later, it will be my home for a long while, hopefully no more than 319 days.

I will be in Fort Worth. Friends keep asking me exactly where that is located compared to Houston, Austin, or Dallas. I suppose providing our loved ones with maps of local areas would be a good idea. Prisons don't tend to be in the middle of towns (like jails).

I thought I would share some interesting facts about The Lone Star State. Texas comes from the Hasinai Native American word tejas meaning friends or allies. For some reason, I find that ironic. They killed off the entire Hasinai tribe. 

Texas includes 267,339 square miles, or 7.4% of the U.S.' total area.

This does not surprise me, "it is still a hanging offense in Texas to steal cattle or to put graffiti on someone else’s cow. It is also illegal to indecently expose or swear in front of a corpse in Texas. In Galveston, Texas, it is illegal to have a camel run loose on the beach."

The city of Slaughter, Texas, has never had a homicide. 

Texas experiences the most tornadoes in the United States, with an average of 139 per year. Tornadoes occur most often in North Texas and the Panhandle.

State BirdMockingbird
State TreePecan
State Motto“Friendship”
State FlowerBluebonnet
State DishChili
State GrassSideoats Grama
State GemTopaz
State StonePalmwood
State Mammal (large)Texas Longhorn
State Flying MammalFree-tailed Bat
State InsectMonarch Butterfly 
State FishGuadalupe Bass
State VegetableOnion
State FiberCotton 
State FruitRed Grapefruit
State StonePetrified Palmwood
State PepperJalapeno
State SportRodeo
State ShrubCrape Myrtle
State DanceSquare Dance

Something tells me, they will not be practicing the state dance where I'm going.

I figured I write an awful lot about going inside Carswell, I just figured it would be appropriate to set the context of the state in which it sits.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through Prison Talk Online and I've been thinking of you a lot lately. I live very close to Carswell. you'll be okay. Just keep the faith.



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