
Friday, September 6, 2013

From Dragonfly: Wardrobe Selection

I barely remember the days of looking in my closets (yes, two closets to hold my clothes) and select which outfit I would wear for the day. Then, matching socks (if I needed them) and the shoes... oh, did I love my shoes. Truth is, I usually prefer the comfortable to the stylish in my clothing, but it was stylish to me. My favorite t-shirt says, "Talk Nerdy to Me." Yes, clothes match the personality, don't they?

Now, I look in my locker, where my clothing doesn't even fill the 2'x3' locker space (half the locker is for clothing and the other half for other things on shelves), and select between the following: four pants of the exact same khaki green color and type, 4 t shirts that are also khaki green, 1 khaki green short sleeve button down shirt, 2 long sleeve button down shirts (all the same color and style), a pair of socks that are like every other white pair of socks, and my new New Balance gym shoes I bought myself (if I were in a different institution, I would likely have to wear steel toed boots given to me for free- here we get a choice). That is what I wear Monday-Friday between 7am-4pm as long as I am not on my unit (meaning anywhere else on campus except the rec center).

All other times, my clothing depends on what "greys" I have decided to purchase for myself at commissary. I have two pair of grey shorts, one grey t-shirt, and I just purchased a pair of grey sweatpants (but it's still too hot to wear them ever). I will be purchasing a grey sweatshirt as well and likely more grey t-shirts. The "greys" can only be worn after 4pm M-F (or in our unit any time) and all weekend. Grey and Khaki green. That is my choice. One pair of shoes for outside (my New Balance) and a pair for inside (shower shoes that are actually fake Crocs).

Oh, they gave us some of the most uncomfortable, ugly, and maroon pajama bottoms and a top. I have seen no one ever wear the top... and the most hideous robe you've ever seen. I've seen maybe one person wearing it out of desperation. We can wear the pj's only in our room and no where else in the unit or outside. When it gets colder, they may come in handy. In the mean time, everyone wears their shorts and t-shirts for sleep. So, same clothing for days and nights. Greys and Greens that is our wardrobe for every single day.

This does not stop people from trying to have "style." Young inmates can be seen wearing shorts 2 sizes too big for themselves and having their underwear show (just like on the streets of any city). Hair style is a way people try to stand out (really short hair tends to indicate "boi" - or a woman who wants a "femme" to join them in a relationship). Many "boi's" in here are not "bois" when they are  out of prison. Just yesterday I heard a woman say, "If I ever come back here, I am shaving my head so that I will pass as a "boi" and women will take care of all my commissary needs." She was serious.

Anything an inmate brings with them from another institution that is a slightly different color, or offers individualism, will go for big money on the underground market. I've heard about brown t-shirts going for $40, terry robes for $50, and more. This is done by people purchasing goods for the "seller" on their commissary. For people who don't receive money from the outside world, it is a matter of survival (I suppose). I choose to not engage in this underground market. I am a lucky individual who will have the funds needed through my stay here. But since everything costs something here, those without funds have to do what they must (including hustling).

We also must be careful to lock up everything. My roommate had a bra stolen this morning. A t-shirt and bra disappeared from the room next to us just yesterday.

Fire alarm. I am ending this here.

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