
Saturday, February 1, 2014

From Dragonfly: Camp Eligibility

In order to be qualified to go to the Carswell Camp, you have to be minimal-out security status and be medically cleared. This is not full "medical clearance." At a care level 3, you can only be at Carswell, but the Carswell camp is available. Also, obviously, the camp has to have room available.

As you know, I was told that I am being transferred to the camp in November. I was told that this transfer would occur prior to Christmas. Like most information, here, I chose not to put all my eggs in that basket until the change occurred. So often, we are told something, but it doesn't exactly happen that way. As it turns out, when I went to medical in December to inquire whether this transfer was occurring, I was told that I was not medically cleared to go. My doctor was not signing off on it until she has a chance to see me. I had no choice but to accept that reality and start sending in "cop-outs" to try to get my doctor to make an appointment with me. If you are not medically cleared, there's very little you can do.

Yesterday, while walking out of the clinic from getting my enbryl injection, I stopped at the window. On the other side of the window is a woman, not sure if she is a nurse, but she is very helpful to many, many people here and is usually the first to arrive if there's a medical emergency. She is very serious about her job, but she is friendly to those she knows and usually can answer some questions we all have related to appointments, etc. Well, I asked her if I could obtain a copy of my updated restrictions. The rheumatologist had stated that I have a climbing restriction, and I wanted to make sure that my paperwork reflected that. Over the past week, many people played musical beds, as the counselor in our new unit moved a dozen people upstairs, including South, if their paperwork did not indicate they needed to be on a lower bunk on the first floor. As long as my papers are updated, I would not have to risk being moved back upstairs.

When I received my papers, I immediately noticed that the lower bunk was checked, but not the first floor, and I walked away knowing that I have to go to sick call soon to get that updated. While walking back to work, I read through the rest of the form. On the bottom, typed into my form is the following sentence, "If she otherwise qualifies, inmate medically clear to go to CRW camp." That's the carswell camp code. It was signed October 21, 2013. Say WHAT?!?!?!?!?

So, the "otherwise cleared" means that I am minimum-out security level. Which I am. The only thing I've been told is that I am not medically cleared, but that is clearly not true, as my own paperwork says I was cleared in October. No wonder my case worker had told me I was going. So, for the past 3+ months I have been in the secured environment of the medical center side of Carswell, when I could have been on the other side of the fence. When people visited me, we could have walked around and not been forced to be in an uncomfortable "airport seating" environment. My mom, step-dad, and T.S., would not have had to go through the increased security measures to see me and would not have been left with the memories of seeing me behind the barbed wire.

I have to believe that everything happens for a reason. During the last 3+ months, I have developed a closer friendship with Lola, which would not have occurred. I have helped several students in their quest for their GED, I have developed trust and friendships with my roommates, I have developed new craft skills, I have been able to spend South's last days in here with her, I've been able to have breakfast with Freckles nearly every day, I was able to say "goodbye" to Danbury and wish her well, I got to see pictures of Star's new baby boy, I was able to help train a new fabulous co-tutor (who will carry forward our classes incredibly well), I was able to teach U.S. Government and Essay Writing to eager students, and much, much more. I guess I cannot regret this extra time I've spent behind the fences. I will never know the impact of my interactions with others, but I hope that some will remember me as having a positive influence on their life.

So, what now? I have to talk to the Warden. I am bringing the paperwork with me and will ask, "why am I not at the camp?" This should get things moving forward. South leaves one week from Monday, perhaps, maybe, I can move just after her. I am imploring Lola to get approval for across the street as well. She started at a Camp, before being shipped here for her rheumatoid arthritis, so I hope her process goes swiftly. She has never had any security status other than "minimum-out."

I don't know, and I can't know, what will happen. Will I be spending my next four months in my same room or will I be moved upstairs or will I actually be going to the camp... I don't know the answers to those questions. This is a perfect time for the serenity prayer. I cannot control what the prison administration does. However, I have a few things that I need the courage to change - which includes going to the Warden on Monday to talk about why I'm being told that I'm not medically cleared, when my paperwork states I was cleared in October. It's a conversation worth having. I hear the Warden is approachable. I pray that is true. We shall see.

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