
Sunday, April 20, 2014

From Dragonfly: Easter Weekend

There are many options this weekend for services... 6am - sunrise service; 8am - Catholic mass; 6pm - Resurrection Service; etc. Depending on your beliefs, you have options to celebrate. There's no special meal, from what I understand, but perhaps we'll have hard-boiled eggs available. There will be no egg hunt, but perhaps you'll find something interesting as you help rake the new dirt on the ball field. Easter weekend is here.

It's actually been quite beautiful outside. Yesterday (Saturday), I spent the afternoon at outdoor rec making bracelets for friends. Lola sat with me and made cards for her family. Freckles came and went, as she did many, many laps around the track. Chi was there as well. In fact, just about everyone I know made their way to outdoor rec at some point yesterday.

There is a sound system by outdoor rec and people working there change the radio stations every 20-30 minutes (I don't know why). It started out 70's rock, then some current hits, then it was Mexican polka type music, then Mexican country, then American country music... Meanwhile, more than twenty people were out on new reddish dirt, spreading it evenly on the softball field, trying to make it perfect. Hundreds of people walked the track. At one point, I said to Lola, "It looks like a walk-athon here." It was just that crowded. Of course, there was no festival, but that didn't stop it from feeling festive.

At one point, with the sun beaming down on us, Lola and Freckles were reading magazines, I was working on my bracelets, and the Mexican music was blaring, Lola or was it Freckles or perhaps it was me said, "for just a moment, if feels like we are on vacation in Cancun." Then one of them said, "Service... I'd like a margarita..." Then we laughed. I wanted some good chips and pico. We kept the joke going for a while. Sometimes that happens here. If only we could live such wonderful moments all the time. But if we did, we wouldn't think them so wonderful.

Of course, then it was time for recall, and we all have to leave our places at outdoor rec, or on the compound, and find ourselves back to our units, for rack-up time and standing count. Never forget this is prison. But, it doesn't take away that happiness that we were able to feel, even for a couple moments, on a Saturday afternoon.

Today, as it is Easter Sunday, many people will be very reflective, missing their children and families, and praying to be home for next Easter. While I do not celebrate the holiday, I can understand their inner strife. Everyone has that in common here. Perhaps some nice weather and positive attitudes will help bring those struggling some laughter and happiness. That's what life is all about. Let's make today a good day! Happy Easter!

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