
Monday, June 23, 2014

Writing My Personal Statement

I was never a procrastinator. I always tried to be on top of all my work, giving me buffer time just in case. Since being on home confinement, though, I find myself staring at things to be done and feeling overwhelmed at the task. It's getting better, though, as I accomplished many things this past weekend.

One item on my "to-do" list has been my Personal Statement for readmission to my school - albeit a different education department. I met with a professor last week and she asked me to send my statement to her, but I kept stumbling over what to say, how much information on my past and imprisonment needed to be included, and emphasizing why this new department is such a good fit for me, when I was excelling in my old department. No doctoral program wants a student that does not really want their program. I was already working with them, I just need to be able to explain so much in a concise and well written statement.

Normally, addiction recovery and incarceration are not items I would encourage anyone to emphasize in their applications to graduate schools. However, given as my admission was revoked, I need to explain my situation and provide enough details that the faculty can understand. It is fairly unique.

I wanted to send off my information to the department by last Friday, but I just couldn't quite get my head around how to write the letter. This is not an uncommon experience, as I often ponder on what I will write before tackling a new writing project. This allows my thoughts to be more honed and the writing process to go easier.

It is also not uncommon for me to find myself awake in the middle of the night, having much of what I want to write written in my head. Such was true last night, where at 3am, I started typing my personal statement on my phone (yes, paper and a pen would have been a better option, but that would have entailed turning on a light, finding paper and a writing utensil, and disturbing Superdog who was asleep on my floor). 

So, I finger typed and finger typed a full statement. I did not make the mistake of immediately sending it off. It desperately needs editing and rearranging. However, it is all there on paper (well, the smartphone screen). The details of my past and incarceration, and yet it focuses on hope and goals and my love of education. I do not know what will happen as I continue my quest to be readmitted to the university and the college of education, but I do know that it's far better to face this all head on, regardless of the outcome.

Once the letter was completed, I sent it off for comments from Survivor and Sporty and I attempted sleep. Ring, ring... 5am and the RRC was checking to make sure I was home. They have the weirdest timing! Where would I be at 5am? Well, I suppose I was out at 5am plenty during my gambling binges...

Anyway, I was able to sneak in about two hours of sleep last night, before having to wake and drive the 3 hour morning trip to/from my RRC. It literally took 4 minutes today to have my breath analyzed (still no alcohol) and fill out the form. No meeting with my CW today. Such a waste of gas.

Tonight, I will finish editing my personal statement and email it off to the professor with a copy of my CV (curriculum vitae). I'll apologize that it took me a couple days to complete her request, and thank her for meeting with me and considering my request for admission. Then, I'll go and get a good night's sleep, as I know she's sending off the materials to other faculty in her department. I need to give them the procrastination time they need to consider my application. I can only hope one of them finds themselves awake in the middle of the night, thinking about how I would make a valuable addition to their  academic department.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog, but have noticed that you have repeatedly spelled "their" as "thier."


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