
Friday, January 23, 2015

Letters Home

Last night I stayed up late reading a pile of letters I wrote to Survivor. I asked Survivor, Cashe, Traveler, and Sporty to provide me with the letters I wrote them while I was incarcerated. I want to add what I wrote here on here (where appropriate) because often my detail of life at Carswell was in a lot more description.

Putting pen to paper, and not having to pay 5cents per minute with a line of women waiting for the computers behind me, especially as things unfolded through the day, can provide much more detail of life at Carswell. Survivor's very first letter from me was not even a letter. It was a bunch of short comments spread along the words, "I'm ok" written giant on the paper. I think too much shock led me to not being able to put together real sentences and paragraphs. By the next day or so I wrote her a real letter.

My plan is to type the relevant parts of the letters into this blog based on the timing of the letters. On blogger, I can backdate entries. So you all know that there is a new entry. I will provide links in the present day to the new posts that are put to the day they were actually written in real time. I think that makes the most sense. 

One fascinating letter I read last night was during a long lockdown we had that appeared to be a haz-mat medical situation. I wrote the entire time and shared the information of what was unfolding as we were learning it. I'd forgotten about that day until reading that letter!

Another set of letters I have are more academic. I wrote them to Cashe and Traveler. I wrote more in depth about gender and sexual orientation issues and observations. I look forward to sharing these thoughts with all of you!!

So, over the next several weeks, I'll be starting that process of blog updating. l hope you all enjoy the new editions!! I know I went through some periods of adjustments here with my blog, but as you can see, I think I've found my rhythm again lately. I guess it was blog writers block. I'm back!!!!

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