
Monday, December 2, 2013

From Dragonfly: Yarn

This weekend was especially filled with drama in our unit. It culminated yesterday with one of my friends screaming at another of my friends about appropriate behavior. Neither was in the right. Also, none of us are in a position to judge another person. Yesterday, in a great daily reader sent to me by a good friend, the quote included the phrase, "don't let other people take up rent free space in your head." I've always loved that quote. It's so honest and to the point. If we are sitting around thinking about someone else's wrongs or what they do that bothers us, we are giving them our energy, our important serenity, everything - and they do not deserve it. Instead, fill our heads with the positive thoughts that keep us sane and smiling (like memories of hugging those we love, a great vacation, or time with a best friend).

So, what happens when someone who stole yarn, stores it in another's room (cause they can't get caught with it in their locker), and the other person then uses the yarn after a couple months of holding on to it? Can a disagreement like this be handled without rough-housing? The one who originally stole the yarn, wants the user of the yarn to buy them replacement yarn. The person who used the yarn receives no finances in. Her welfare is threatened by the the other. Is anyone in the right here? No "law" can be brought in because it was stolen yarn in someone else's locker. These are the kind of fights that happen on a daily basis here. Many end up with both women going to the SHU. It seems so petty - like our fights in the laundry room - yet, it wears down on all of us dealing with this stuff on a daily basis.

Going to be a short one... have to go to work early. I start in a new classroom with over 30 students this morning. More later!

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