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Monday, April 20, 2015

No More Tax Refunds

Sorry I've been so absent. Between how I've been feeling and our big move, I really have not had any energy. I know I've been bad to you all and I apologize. Today, though, I certainly have something to share that I think others in my position would want to know, so I am writing once again - YAY!!! Plus, I miss you all!

I filed my taxes well in advance of the deadline and anticipated a decent refund, given how little I earned over the 2014 year. It would have been used for the right types of expenses and perhaps some of my restitution as well, although it was not that sizable. Since I already pay 10% of my gross income, I have already paid on these funds. Anyway, after filing, the IRS site went through their typical processing and about 2 1/2 weeks later my taxes had been processed and I was told to expect my deposit on approximately 4/15/2015. Sounded good. Having it right around our move was a perfect time for a little influx of funds.

The deposit did not come, however. It did not come the next day either. The site said that if the funds were not deposited by 4/20/15, to check back. So I did. That's today. This is what it says:
"Your refund has been applied to a past due obligation such as child support, another federal agency debt, or state income tax. The Financial Management Service, who issues IRS refunds, will send you a notice informing you of the reduction..."
Well... okay! Just after my release from prison, I filed my 2013 taxes. I received a refund then too. I was given that refund. I do not know if all my federal refunds will now be held, or if they will pick and choose. I do owe restitution and this is one way to get more funds back, I suppose. I don't know if this is done to all federal individuals who owe restitution or just some of us. I know many people who owe like 10x more than me. I wonder if their taxes are held. I do not know.

I am not angry in the least bit, although it would have been nice to know that this was going to happen so that I was not anticipating a tax refund. I wonder still who receives the funds of my restitution and I wonder how long it will be for whomever it is to receive these funds which will have to exchange a boatload of hands first.

So, if anyone is facing similar, it's good to be aware that you may, or you may not, have your tax refunds withheld. Only time will tell if this is a permanent reality. I'll keep you all informed. This is certainly one of those things that I'm glad I have my serenity prayer for - accept the things I cannot change...