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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My name is Dragonfly Hazel

This first post will be short, but I did not want this blog to be started without something on it. I am 40 years old, Caucasian, well educated (in fact I am currently obtaining my doctoral degree and I also have a juris doctorate degree), but none of my demographic information is important - I struggled with the demise of a debilitating, baffling, progressive addiction - compulsive gambling - for 14 years. Addiction will make the strongest people weak, the smartest people dumb, the most capable people incapacitated, the givers into takers, the rule makers into rule breakers, and the ethical into criminals. Such is the truth with me and so many I've met over the years. I am not unique. I am not special. I am a person who has had to overcome the realities of an insidious emotional illness. I am now five years clean from compulsive gambling - a disease that nearly took my life five years ago.

In about 60-90 days, I will be going to a federal women's prison camp as my punishment for stealing funds from my employer during my days of gambling. I believe there's a reason so much time passed between my crime and punishment and I believe my story may be able to help someone else struggling either with addiction and/or with the legal system. I looked all over online and found very little real information about preparing to go inside for women (much more information is available for men). So this blog will tell a story. A story that moves through the past and a story that tells of the preparation of what is happening as I prepare to go to prison. My sentencing was just a couple days ago. I had NO idea I would be sentenced to such a long time. My lawyer, friends, family, and I had not prepared for it. So, we all must prepare for it now. Come along with us. Learn. Chat. Share your story. This is our blog.

One year and one day.
Dragonfly Hazel


  1. It is incredible to me that you chose the name dragonfly. You are my sponsor and I look up to you, but that you chose a dragonfly as a name is so coincidental. I have a dragonfly tatoo on my shoulder. I have always loved dragonflys but never knew why. Your blog about the symbolism is great! You are amazing to me and I will be with you hopefully, if you let me, all through your ordeal. I love the way you write - so free and honest! Take care my friend. Purple Dragonfly

  2. Thank you Purple Dragonfly. Your support is definitely welcome always. I learn from you as much as you do from me. Of this, I am sure!


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