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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hi. It's Been A While.

Why have I not been writing? No good excuses except that I intend to start writing again now, so let me catch you all up with what is going on. Maybe you will understand a little bit. I say no good excuses, because excuses are just excuses, if we want to do something, we will make time to do it!

I'm working on an independent study and my thesis. I have to admit, my thesis has taken a back seat, ever since I was told to stretch it out for another year. My summer independent study has been interesting and I enjoy working with the professor.

So, in all of the, I never wrote when on July 2nd, I reached one year of being off BOP custody!!! Had I been on top of this blog, I certainly would have! I mean, that is a really big deal! One year free of custody. One year of my federal supervision. I guess to celebrate, I went to a beautiful lake town on the 4th and saw the most amazing fireworks!!! Only, I wasn't thinking about the fact that I was one year free. I wasn't thinking about the fact that July 4th was my original date of release. I had my family with me and I was enjoying the moment with them. I guess that's what one year of freedom brought me - a chance to be in the moment!!!!!