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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gambling Diversion Programs instead of Prison? Why Not??

I am doing research for a research project and came across this article from April. Not only does the article make me mad because the Nevada legislature enacted a law to help people like Ms. Meador and yet the Judges don't understand gambling addiction and don't use the state program that can help her (she would still pay restitution and it's a 3 year commitment!) but the comments at the end of the article are just so ludicrous. It's alarming how little people can understand this addiction even in Clark County, NV - home of Las Vegas! 

Yes, she committed a crime but putting her in a prison where gambling is rampant and she will receive no treatment whatsoever is not the answer. Diversion programs are not a free ride - instead, like drug court, they help people get the recovery they need and recidivism rates are much lower than when sent to prison. Gambling motivated white-collar offenders are not motivated by greed - they are motivated by the next bet, the last bet, debts caused by gambling, and the irrational thoughts and feelings that plague their lives due to the inability to stop gambling.

Treatment for problem gamblers a long shot in Las Vegas courts

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