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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Six More Months of Federal Supervision?

I heard back from my P.O. yesterday. We had a nice conversation. He wants me to come in and fill out the travel authorization paperwork again with the details of my honeymoon. I am already authorized for the trip, but he needs to know where I will be everyday and every night. So, we have a date on Friday for me to come in. Yay. I knew he was missing me!

I always want to check in with him when I am doing anything major. He said that it is a good policy. I want to be on the up and up with him as my goal is to not hold anything back and seem to be doing anything weird or funny as I am trying to get off supervision. He appreciated that. I always think the best policy is being an open book with my P.O. so he knows that I am not hiding anything - even if I am just telling him too much... Keeps him off my back.

As for my possibility of release, he said I was too early in asking. I knew that, as it hasn't even been a year. Next month is one year. He did say that they were working on releasing people early just this week, though. He will welcome a call from me after July, though. Not in July, but after... He said, perhaps before the holidays... So, maybe, by December I will be off supervision! He once again said, there is a private process I can go through. I can call my attorney and start a process after a year. That magical attorney that I have on retainer. I explained that I am a graduate student and I will not be having some attorney go to court asking for my supervision to be reduced. I will be asking him to go to court on my behalf. It may take longer, and it is a process, but I intend to stay on him.

He told me to just keep doing what I am doing. Stay going to my GA meetings. Don't be using drugs or get drunk (like I ever do - ha!). Don't get into any trouble. I don't plan on it! Just stay the course and I should see myself off of supervision within 18 months.

So, for those of you facing federal supervision, do the right things. You may not get off supervision at a year, but you will probably get off early. Just do what you are asked to do. I'll keep you updated, as always. Stay clean. Do the right next thing. Take it all one day at a time.